The Cogheart Adventures
Four cogheart adventures - instagram reels trailer.
Magicborn - Dance Magic
The characters from Magicborn sing Dance Magic by David Bowie.
Magicborn - Royal
The characters from Magicborn sing Royal by Lorde.
The Cogheart Adventures
Four Animated Covers.
Magicborn Prologue
Reading the opening paragaraphs from the Magicborn prologue.
What inspired Magicborn?
How Peter the Wild Boy, and King George I, inspired my new book Magicborn.
What inspired Cogheart?
Some of the ideas and automatons that inspired Cogheart.
The Draughtsman Automaton
A real life mechanical man who hand-writes on a piece of paper.
The Mechanical Elephant
At Les Machines de l’île, Nantes, France.
Crow Feathers
A crowman crashes on a farm where a boy lives.
On the Upside
An elderly couples lives are turned upside down.
Mike 360º
A 360º pixelation timeslice photomotion extravaganza!
Sonnet 141 by William Shakespeare.
The Garden
Ben tries something extraordinary to lift his father’s depression.
The Collector
A father and son embark on a surreal hunting trip.
A goblin's attempt to cross a dangerous ravine.
Mind Games
In a secure institution scientists monitor the thoughts of prisoner 364.
Enchanted Life
A man reminisces about life as a magician.
A short photomontage animation.
Backstage at the Theatre
Hamlet and Yorick wait in the wings.
A ghost at the Museum
Ghostly goings-on during the nightwatch.
The Secret Show
A stand up set and a plan involving a giant bamboo chicken.
Yoko Jakamoko Toto!
Yoko, Jakamoko and Toto are getting into trouble.
Lion in a Basket
A big cat finds a surprise in a basket.
Introducing The Cogheart Adventures
Introducing the Cogheart Adventures.
Introducing Moonlocket
Introducing Moonlocket, the second Cogheart Adventure.
Introducing Skycircus
Introducing Skycircus, the third Cogheart Adventure.
Introducing Shadowsea
Introducing Shadowsea, the fourth and final Cogheart Adventure.
Introducing Featherlight
Introducing 'Featherlight'. Published by Barrington Stoke.
Introducing The Clockwork Queen
Introducing 'The Clockwork Queen'. Illustrated by Lia Visirin. Published by Barrington Stoke.
Introducing Magicborn
Introducing my new book Magicborn.
The Cogheart Adventures Co-editions
Introducing the foreign co-editions of the Cogheart Adventures.
Cogheart Adventures Q & A
Answering some of the most frequently asked questions about Cogheart.
Introducing Cogheart
A longer introduction to Cogheart, the first Cogheart Adventure, and a reading from the prologue.
Introducing Moonlocket
A longer introduction to Moonlocket, the second Cogheart Adventure, and a reading from the prologue.
Introducing Skycircus
A longer introduction to Skycircus, the third Cogheart Adventure, and a reading from the prologue.
Introducing Shadowsea
A longer introduction to Cogheart, the first Cogheart Adventure, and a reading from the book.
Introducing Featherlight
A longer introduction to Featherlight and a reading of the opening chapters.
Introducing The Clockwork Queen
A longer introduction to The Clockwork Queen and a reading from the book.
Introducing Magicborn
A longer introduction to Magicborn and a reading from the prologue.
Cogheart Animated Cover
Cogheart animated book cover.
Moonlocket Animated Cover
Moonlocket animated book cover.
Skycircus Animated Cover
Skycircus animated book cover.
Shadowsea Animated Cover
Shadowsea animated book cover.
Featherlight Animated Cover
Featherlight animated book cover.
The Clockwork Queen Animated Cover
The Clockwork Queen animated book cover.
Magicborn Animated Cover
Magicborn sparkly animated book cover.
Cogheart Prologue
Reading the Opening Paragraphs of the Cogheart Prologue.
Shadowsea Prologue
Reading the opening paragraphs of the Shadowsea prologue.
Moonlocket Prologue
Reading the opening paragraphs of the Moonlocket prologue.
Skycircus Prologue
Reading the opening paragraphs of the Skycircus prologue.